
in θ

COMPOUND: θυοσκόος, -ου
MEANING: ‘sacrificing priest’
ETYMOLOGY: noun stem θυο- (θύος) ‘burnt sacrifice’ + verbal root (σ)κο(ϝ)- (κοέω) ‘mark, perceive, hear’ + m. noun suf. -ος
OCCURRENCE: Il. XXIV, 221; Od. XXI, 145; XXII, 318, 321
CASE/GENDER/NUMBER: nom. m. pl., nom. sg.
HEADEDNESS: exocentric
CLASSIFICATION: subordinate (complement-V) – tatpuruṣa (V-governing)
NOTES: *σκο(ϝ)ός would be the second member, as verbal adjective. The stem θυεσ- would be expected to appear as the first member. Perh. univerbation from a ritual phrase *θύος κοέω (cf. κοέω in CEG).