
in σ

COMPOUND: Σθένελος, -ου
MEANING: ‘Sthenelus’, lit.  ‘who gives force to people’
ETYMOLOGY: noun stem σθένες (σθένος, –εος) ‘strength, might‘ + λ(α)ός, -ου ‘men, people’
OCCURRENCE: Il. II, 564; IV, 367; V, 108, 111, 241, 835; VIII, 114; IX, 48; XIX, 116, 123; XXIII, 511
CASE/GENDER/NUMBER: nom. m. sg., gen. sg., acc. sg.
HEADEDNESS: exocentric
CLASSIFICATION: subordinate (N-complement) – tatpuruṣa (N-governing)
NOTES: the analysis of the compound is based on a hypothesis of Frisk’s (Gr. Et. Wört., s. v. σθένος)