
in α

COMPOUND: Ἀνδρομάχη
MEANING: ‘Andromache’
ETYMOLOGY: noun root/stem ἀνδρ(ο)- (ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός) ‘man’ + μάχ-η, -ης (μάχομαι) ‘battle, combat’
OCCURRENCE: Il. VI, 371, 377, 395, 405; VIII, 187; XVII, 208; XXIV, 723.
CASE/GENDER/NUMBER: nom. f. sg., acc. sg. 
HEADEDNESS: exocentric
CLASSIFICATION:  subordinate (argument – N) – tatpuruṣa (N-govering)
NOTES: difficoult to say whether Ἀνδρομάχη has the same sense as ἀνδρομάχος. It can’t be excluded that the name means ‘fight of man’ involving that men fight to conquer her