
in α

COMPOUND: ἀστεροπή, -ῆς (=στεροπή, -ῆς)
MEANING: ‘flash of lightning, lightning’
ETYMOLOGY: ἀστήρ ‘star’ + verb/noun root ὄπ- (ὄψομαι ‘see’, ὄψις ‘aspect’) + f. noun suf. -η  
OCCURRENCE: Il. XI, 66, 83, 184; XIII, 242; XIV, 386
CASE/GENDER/NUMBER: nom. f. sg., dat. sg., acc. sg.
HEADEDNESS: exocentric
CLASSIFICATION: determinative – karmadhāraya
NOTES: parallel forms ἀστραπή, ἀστράπτω are difficult to account for if the word is a compound of ὀπ-. Others think of a Pre-Greek word.